Friday, January 31, 2014

Geological Time Periods

As we dig in to the Earth Science unit, students explored the different geological time periods.  Students became the first ever TIME-TRAVEL AGENTS, creating either a brochure or a commercial which advertises and informs travelers about their time period. This was also the first time using iMovie for some of our fifth graders and they did a wonderful job.

Please explore some of the commercials before planning your next trip.

ABC Books

The monkeys have been working on ABC books about chosen topics such as music, food, science, actors, athletes, books, companies, sports equipment, and movies. They have been using Book Creator. 

-Jack & Caleb

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Earth Science!!

We have begun our unit on Earth Science.  We will be studying fossils, geological time periods,  changes to the Earth's surface, and rocks & minerals. A February schedule will be posted soon.  Please check the unit syllabus for assignment details.

Wacky Wednesday: CRAZY Hair Day

On January 29, the monkeys showed off their school spirit by participating in Crazy Hair Day! We saw some great designs and styles like wigs, dye, braids, gel, and ponytails!! The McFerran class hopes to win the shield!! 

By Caleb and Jack

Friday, January 17, 2014

Upcoming Full Day Wednesdays

Please be aware that we have several full day Wednesdays coming up in January, February, and April. The first one is Wednesday, January 22. (others listed below)

Please note that on these weeks of no early release, Nottingham teachers lose 2.5 hours of our planning time. This time would normally be used to plan instruction and respond to email and correspondence.  Please bear with us as it may take a bit longer in some cases to get back to you. 

Thank you. 

Upcoming Dates:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, Monday, January 20- No School
Teacher Grade Preparation Day, Tuesday, January 21- No School
President's Day Holiday, Monday, February 17- No School
Full Day of School (scheduled), Wednesday, January 22
Full Day of School (snow day makeup), Wednesday, February 19
Full Day of School (snow day makeup), Wednesday, April 9
Full Day of School (snow day makeup), Wednesday, April 30

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Due on Friday, January 17

Informational Sheet & Advertisement

Unit 13 Online Student Quiz

Here is a 5 question quiz that can help you along as you are studying.

Don't forget that you also can find the study guide by scrolling down.

Unit 13 Review (pg. 641-644)

Vocabulary Review
  1. liquid
  2. solution
  3. chemical changes
  4. molecule
  5. physical changes
  6. gas
  7. element
  8. compound
Science Concepts
  1. A
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
Apply Inquiry and Review the Big Idea
  1. Sample answer:  Kym’s independent variable was water temperature (what she changed).  Her dependent variable was the rate at which the sugar dissolved. Kym did not label her beakers correctly, because sugar in the beaker with hot water would have dissolved fastest.
  1. Sample answer:Drawing 1 shows the particles in a gas, which are very far apart and move very quickly.  Drawing 2 shows the particles in a solid.  These particles are tightly packed. Drawing 3 shows the particles in a liquid.  They are closer together than particles in a gas and move more slowly than particles in a gas.
  1. The tea and sodas are solutions because the components are evenly mixed.  The juice is a mixture because it contains a liquid and some solids (the pulp).  The sandwiches, trail mix, and gelatin are also mixtures because the components are not evenly distributed throughout.   

Crazy Hair Day on Wednesday, January 29

Birthday Celebration

Monday, January 13, 2014

Geometry Review

Here are a few fun links to review geometry concept.


Measuring Angles

Parts of a Circle

Matter Study Guide

To prepare for our Matter test this Friday, here is a study guide that can help as you review.  If you print out the document and fold on the vertical line, you can use the guide like flash cards.  Read the question side, answer the question, and then check your answer by flipping over the card.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Extra Credit Opp for Science - Common Compounds

During our study this week on the Atomic Theory, we have been exploring elements, atoms, molecules, and compounds.  To help clarify compounds, you can research common compounds that we use/encounter in everyday life. Remember that a compound is a molecule formed from two or more different elements. 

Work should be on 8.5x11 paper, typed or written neatly.  Posters will need to include the name of the common compound, the chemical formula, and two pictures: one of the compound in its everyday form, and one of the molecular model. Pictures can be hand drawn, found in a magazine, clip art, or found online.

You must pick a compound other than Water, and Salt.

Let's Talk Technology!

Join us Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm for an informal round table discussion about "Parenting in the Digital Age".
This is an opportunity for parents to get together to talk about their concerns and strategies in navigating children through the digital world.   Discussion will center around current trends in technology, digital footprints, privacy and security, online reputations, and how to set limits.   This evening is not designed to be a formal presentation, but rather an informal dialog.  We hope you can join us!  Babysitting will be provided upon request.    Please contact Nicole Gustafson at to RSVP for child care or with any questions.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Due dates

Homework 5 and Homework 6 in science will be bumped back a bit due to last week's snow day. 

     Homework 5 will be due on Thursday, January 9.
     Homework 6 will be due on Friday, January 10.

Quarter 2 ends on January 17th.  Please remember that the 17th is the last day I can accept late/missing work.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January Calendar

Math Read Aloud

Hello fellow Mathematicians!
Tonight for homework, please listen to the 10 minute read aloud titled
Sir Cumference and the First Round Table.  It can count as 10 minutes of your daily reading.  While you are listening, make a list of all the mathematical vocabulary that you hear/see. Bring your list to school tomorrow.