Monday, March 31, 2014

Math Monday

Today we practiced multiplying a decimal by a decimal during our lunch bunch.  You can practice at home.  Here is a link for the game board and directions.

Congratulations to our "Top Bananas":

Friday, March 14, 2014

Making a Prezi for your Cell model project????

You may use our class Prezi account.

Please keep in mind that this information can be seen by teachers and students so remember your online etiquette.

Password: nottingham

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Learning how to label a model

Writing SOL

Our fifth grade WRITING SOL dates have been selected.  The Monkeys will take the Writing SOL in two parts.

Friday, March 21 at 9:30 will be the multiple choice section.
Monday, March 24 at 9:30 will be the written prompt section.

Everyone has been working so hard to prepare.  Our PLANNING PILLARS are top notch and will help the fifth graders as they prepare for the written prompt portion.

Here are some at home resources to help as you prepare.
Sample Prompts
(Scroll about halfway down the page to the ENGLISH section.  Under 5th grade, click either practice tool or practice items.)

Please do your best to avoid scheduling appointments during this time.  Thank you.