Thursday, June 19, 2014

Video Links

Once again, the Monkeys did a wonderful job yesterday at Promotion.  I am so proud of them all.

Here is a link for the video since it was very difficult to see. I have also included a link for the full version of our commercial, advertising our project. 



Tomorrow afternoon is the fifth grade clap-out at 1:10.  Students will parade throughout the building, and exit through the front door for waiting friends and family.  Please join us if you are able. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Teacher For a Day

Ms. Stansel taught a wonderful lesson in math, science, and writing today. She led the monkeys in a jeopardy game testing their math knowledge. Afterwards, the Monkeys created mixtures and solutions as they made bouncy balls. The class finished up the day by making bookmarks to practice their cursive hand writing while enjoying a delicious snack.

Thank you, Ms. Stansel!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Adventure Park USA

Just a reminder Monkeys, that tomorrow we spend the day at Adventure Park USA. Please put sun tan lotion on before you leave your house. Remember that most of the activities require sneakers. Also, bring a towel along. You will leave it in the car just incase your clothes are a little damp from the bumper boats. Your chaperone will much appreciate it.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Written Response

Please respond to one of the following questions:
  • Why is it important to help out in your community?  
  • How does AFAC help Arlington and its citizens?
  • If you could do one thing right now to help your community, what would you do and why?
  • What have you done in the past to help your community?
  • What are some other groups that can help your community?
 In your response, please explain which topic you are responding to, and sign your first name. 

Promotion Song

Please work on this song at home.  The music and lyrics are on this youtube link.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Writers' Night

I look forward to seeing everyone at 6:00 pm in POD 507.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Social Studies!

We have been studying about ancient Greece in Ms. Mathews class. We learned about their geography. Make sure to keep up on your interactive notebook!

-Laila and Sophie

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June Calendar

Fifth Grade Bulletin Board

Perimeter, Area, and Volume Review

Today we reviewed some measurement concepts.  We measured the length and width of a figure and then calculated the perimeter and area.  We then used our figure to make an Origami box.  We calculated and tested the volume of the box in cubic centimeters.

Here is the link for the origami directions.

Promotion Practice

Only two more weeks to learn the promotion song.  Mrs. Simonetti wants us to practice this song at home.  Here is the link with the words and music.

SOL Tips from Laila and Sophia

2 down, 2 to go! We have our reading Sol on Wednesday, June 4th and our math on Thursday, June 5th. Here are some tips that help the bloggers do well on the SOLs.

Study hard- that doesn't mean no breaks allowed. If you get distracted easily go into a quiet room and rewrite the study guide or make flash cards.

Get a good sleep. Go to be early and wake up at the time you usually do.
Eat a fulfilling and healthy breakfast. This will give you energy. Examples- Eggs, fruit etc.

Remember mints will be provided!

Good Luck!
-Laila and Sophie