Thursday, December 19, 2013

Important Emails

This message goes out to parents. 

Lately, a lot of emails have been coming in during the day that are important and pertain to how the students are getting home or detailing changes to their normal schedule.

I usually get to school pretty early in the morning and use some of that time for checking email.  By 8:45, I am usually setting up the classroom and turning on the Smart Board to prepare for the day.  I pick the Monkeys up at 8:50 and our day begins. While the students are at specials I am attending meetings or planning for instruction to challenge and excite our wonderful learners.  I don't get an opportunity to check email again until the students leave.

If something arises that is time sensitive, please call the front office and they will connect you my way or take a message. 

I want to assure that my Monkeys make it home safely and make it to all of their after school activities without issue. 

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