Friday, February 28, 2014

Read Across America Week!

Since it was Read Across America Week (February 24-27) we thought that we could do a quiz on how well you know your Dr. Seuss books.

Guess the Book!

  • Tongue Twisters
  • Includes food
  • Initials are B.B.B.

Submitted by Sadie and Sophie

Weekly Update

          In math, we are learning new techniques on multiplying two-digit by two-digit or even higher numbers. We are also learning how to analyze word problems.

          In writing, we are working on topic sentences and conclusions. We are also preparing for the writing SOL by doing Wednesday Night Writes.

          In science, we just finished learning about the rock cycle. The three types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. We shared our rock cycle songs and skits. There were some very unique ones.  We had our earth science assessment today.

          In Social Studies, we are just starting to learn about Ancient India. In class today, we did an art ace with Mrs. Jones (Dean's Mom.) We designed clay tablets with cuneiform written on them.

Submitted by Sophie & Sadie

Picture of the Week

Physics is cool!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

HW 7 answers - Unit 9 Review

Vocabulary Review
  1. mineral
  2. igneous rock
  3. luster
  4. metamorphic rock
  5. streak
  6. sedimentary rock
  7. rock
  8. fossil

Science Concepts
  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D

Apply Inquiry and Review the Big Idea
  1.  She could test all of the minerals with vinegar to determine which is calcite.  Calcite bubbles when it comes into contact with acids like vinegar.  Then she can take one of the remaining minerals and try the streak test or the hardness test.  The harder mineral would be quartz and the softer one will be fluorite.
    1. The rock is most likely a metamorphic rock because of the banding or layering but it could also be a sedimentary rock. 
    2. Ale could heat the model rock until the wax melts.  The melted wax models magma or lava.  When the melted wax cools and hardens, a model of an igneous rock would form.
    1. The sediment was deposited in a body of water.  As the water evaporated, the cement (sugar water) bound the sediment together to form a rock.
    2. Add the sediment to the cup in distinct layers.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spelling Homework

Webster's New Additions is a challenging activity that requires breaking down a word to determine the meaning.  You will have to look for root words in each of your words to determine the pattern or rule. Since many root words have Latin or Greek origins, here is a website that may help determine the meaning of root words.

Your words should be original (made by you) but based on the actual root meaning.

Here is an example of some we did in class. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wacky Wednesday: Dress as your favorite book character

Our classroom door is ready and I look forward to a second month in a row of winning the shield for the most participation in wacky Wednesday. 

Here is a clue for my costume.
Can you guess who I will be dressed as?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Unit 8 Review

Unit 8 Review
Vocabulary Review
  1. epicenter
  2. mantle
  3. crust
  4. volcano
  5. sediment
  6. core
  7. weathering
  8. deposition

Science Concepts
  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D

Apply Inquiry and Review the Big Idea
  1. Sample answer:  Anish is modeling erosion and deposition by moving water.  Some of the sand will move, or be eroded by the poured water.  If one end of the pan is propped up, the water will carry most of the sand to the lower end of the pan, where it will be deposited, or dropped.
20.  The water represents the partly melted portion of Earth’s mantle.  The pieces of foam represent plates.  If the foam pieces were placed on the water’s surface and the water in the beaker were heated, convection currents would form and cause the foam plates to move over the water’s surface.

Make up days for snow

Here is the link for the schedule changes due to snow days. 

The following early dismissal days will now be full days.  This will be a hard time for all of us.  The students will not have the needed break of specials on those days so it makes for a very long day.  Teachers will also be short 2 hours of planning each week so please be patient with email responses and limited time for after school parent meetings.
  • Wed, Feb 12 (already used)
  • Wed, Feb. 19
  • Wed, Mar. 19
  • Wed, Apr 2
  • Wed, April 9
  • Wed, April 30
  • Wed, May 7
  • Wed, May 14
  • Wed, May 21

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday Night Write

This week's writing prompt should be a fun one.
There have been a few changes.  Students, please type your work this time.  The extra typing practice will help you prepare for the SOL this spring which must be typed.  Also, everyone will turn in a Planning Pillar to help brainstorm and organize ideas prior to writing. Good luck and have fun! I can't wait to read your stories about your favorite places to eat.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Conference Dates/Times

Dear Familes,

Conference dates and times went home on  February 7, in Friday folders. This gives us one month to make arrangements.
Please return the slip as soon as possible so that I can reschedule conference times if needed. 
Teachers met this week to arrange sibling conference times as close as possible. 
This means that some of the times are very close together.  I will do my best to stay on schedule and limit our time to 20 minutes.

I look forward to meeting with all of you.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Februrary Calendar

Activities due on Feb. 21 and 24 can be done ahead of time.  It's good to start planning ahead because the end of the month things are going to get BUSY!

Unit 5 Review

The fifth graders have completed Unit 5.  They will show their skills with an assessment on Monday, February 10.

Here are some activities, online games, and video tutorials to help review for the test.

Equivalent Fractions

Adding & Subtracting Fractions

Turning a Fraction into a Decimal
Turning a Decimal into a Fraction

Comparing Fractions and Decimals
Activity: Print out these fraction cards at or you can also use a set of dominoes to create fractions.  Identify whether the fraction is closer to the 0, 1/2 or 1 benchmark. 

Probability Outcomes
Printable math lesson/activity that uses M&Ms