Thursday, February 27, 2014

HW 7 answers - Unit 9 Review

Vocabulary Review
  1. mineral
  2. igneous rock
  3. luster
  4. metamorphic rock
  5. streak
  6. sedimentary rock
  7. rock
  8. fossil

Science Concepts
  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D

Apply Inquiry and Review the Big Idea
  1.  She could test all of the minerals with vinegar to determine which is calcite.  Calcite bubbles when it comes into contact with acids like vinegar.  Then she can take one of the remaining minerals and try the streak test or the hardness test.  The harder mineral would be quartz and the softer one will be fluorite.
    1. The rock is most likely a metamorphic rock because of the banding or layering but it could also be a sedimentary rock. 
    2. Ale could heat the model rock until the wax melts.  The melted wax models magma or lava.  When the melted wax cools and hardens, a model of an igneous rock would form.
    1. The sediment was deposited in a body of water.  As the water evaporated, the cement (sugar water) bound the sediment together to form a rock.
    2. Add the sediment to the cup in distinct layers.

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