Thursday, May 22, 2014

Testing Schedule and Resources

Fifth Grade Testing Schedule  
May 27 / AM
Tarpey / Barden / Hansen
May 27 / PM
Matthews / McFerran
June 2 / AM
Tarpey / Barden / Hansen
June 4 / AM
Matthews / McFerran
June 5 / AM
Tarpey / Matthews / McFerran
June 5 / PM
Barden / Hansen
June 9
Math Placement
All Classes

 Make-Up Schedule 

May 22
June 11
June 12

SOL Pass (Science)


A few helpful recommendations the night before testing:

  • Clear the family schedule the night before their grade level tests so that your child can get to bed early and get a good night’s sleep.
  • Serve a special "healthy" breakfast on SOL days, (Breakfast of Champions!).
  • Make sure your child arrives at school on time on SOL days.
  • You know your child best. Consider engaging him/her in a few good “Pep-talks” about their strengths and preparation for their testing cycle, to inspire confidence, and, in general, encourage your child that he/she is ready and should try their very best on their exams.
  • Please avoid scheduling optional appointments, i.e., doctor, dentist, vacation time, etc., during the grade level testing window.

Technology Options for Test Prep As we have recommended, parents/guardians are encouraged to go to the Nottingham website and click on the section labeled "Parents." Released SOL Test items as well as other helpful web links with online practice opportunities, including directions to access ePat are available under "On Line Resources."

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