Monday, October 21, 2013

Team Up Against Violence

Don't forget to wear your jersey or team shirt on Tuesday, October 22.

Building a Working Submarine Model

Today we finished up our mission to build submarine models.  Some models worked and some didn't but we all came up with ideas that we would try next time and worked collaboratively, which was the real purpose. 

We used the five steps of the design process:

1.        Find a Problem

2.        Plan and Build

3.        Test and Improve

4.        Redesign

5.        Communicate

 "Mr. Walden helped us build submarine models. " - John B.

Sock it to Bullying!

Thanks to all the support to stand up against bullying today.  Great class participation.

Celebrate Read Aloud to a Child Week

Oct. 20-26 is Read Aloud to a Child Week and APS is joining educators statewide to emphasize the importance of reading aloud to children and to give families an opportunity to participate. This annual event was established by the Virginia State Legislature as a way to encourage reading.

 Click here to watch a short video on why reading is an important foundation for learning.

Additional resources are available at

Friday, October 18, 2013

Area of a Triangle

The monkeys did a wonderful job discovering a formula for area of a triangle.  How easy it would have been to tell them the formula, but they would have missed the opportunity to build a deeper understanding that was gained by the experience.

Thank you to John B. for documenting this experience.

Character Counts Week!

In celebration of Character Counts Week, we will participate in daily dress up activities that will help to facilitate conversations both in the classroom and at home.  On the last day students will be asked to sit at different tables with children they don't normally sit with to create a school climate where respect and inclusiveness are core values.  

Oct. 21 Sock it to bullying (wear funky socks)
Oct. 22 Team up against violence (wear your favorite team or jersey)
Oct. 23 Aachen visitors come to Nottingham.
             Slip into safety (bring your slippers to school)
Oct. 24 Hats off to helping others (wear your favorite or funky hat)
Oct. 25 Show your character colors (wear purple for fifth grade)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Launching Nautilus

We will be spending the next few weeks aboard the Nautilus, off the Coast of the Virgin Islands.  From the comfort of our classroom we will ask scientists questions, watch underwater footage, and collect samples in live time.  Check it out from home 24/7.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Science Online Component

Click on: Science and Health
Science Fusion


State: Virginia
District: Arlington Public Schools
School: Nottingham
ID: student id number (your lunch number)
Password: birthday (mmddyy)

Opportunities for Improvement

Opportunities for Improvement
Name__________________________________  #_____  homeroom _________________         Improved score:
Parent/Guardian signature _________________________________________________

We don't always master every skill the first time we try.  Sometimes we need some time for things to "sink in" and sometimes we need to review a little more or learn skills in a different way. 

If you earned below a 75% (C) and you would like the opportunity to improve your quiz or test score, it's yours!

Here is what you can do:
·         Do not change the original answer, leave it there so I can see it.
·         Read through your notes and textbook until you have learned the correct answer. 
·         Use a colored pencil or colored pen (not black) to make your corrections. 
·         For written response questions, write your refined response on a piece of lined paper.  Staple your paper to the back of your quiz/test. 

Return your original assessment with corrections, signed by your parent or guardian, to Mrs. McFerran within one week after receiving the assessment in you Friday folder.   

It's that easy! So be a self-advocate and take charge of your learning!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Minute Meetings

Minute Meetings
Ms. Bisbee, the new 5th grade School Counselor, has been conducting Minute Meetings with all 5th graders to get to know them. As the name implies, Minute Meetings are very brief. Ms. Bisbee meets with each student individually and asks them: How is 5th grade going so far? How are things socially? Do you have some friends in your class? Have you made some new friends? Are you having trouble with anyone? How are things going outside of school? How are you doing academically? What school subjects are your favorites? Are you struggling with any subjects? Are you having trouble with your staying organized or your study skills? What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you have any questions for me? Is there anything else you want me to know about you?
Through these meetings, Ms. Bisbee was able to identify themes of students’ counseling needs. As a result, she will be offering counseling groups on stress management and organizational/ study skills, as well as girls’ and boys’ book clubs. Students and Ms. Bisbee alike have really enjoyed the opportunity to meet one-on-one and get comfortable with one another.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Outdoor Lab

Everyone had a wonderful time at the Outdoor Lab last week.  We learned about the rock cycle, aquatic habitats, and adaptations & classification of species, all which will serve as a basis for upcoming science units.  There was also plenty of time for boating, campfires, and hiking.  I wish I could say we slept more, but at least the weather was perfect.

John would like to share a video that he made, dedicated to the experience.