Friday, October 4, 2013

Minute Meetings

Minute Meetings
Ms. Bisbee, the new 5th grade School Counselor, has been conducting Minute Meetings with all 5th graders to get to know them. As the name implies, Minute Meetings are very brief. Ms. Bisbee meets with each student individually and asks them: How is 5th grade going so far? How are things socially? Do you have some friends in your class? Have you made some new friends? Are you having trouble with anyone? How are things going outside of school? How are you doing academically? What school subjects are your favorites? Are you struggling with any subjects? Are you having trouble with your staying organized or your study skills? What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you have any questions for me? Is there anything else you want me to know about you?
Through these meetings, Ms. Bisbee was able to identify themes of students’ counseling needs. As a result, she will be offering counseling groups on stress management and organizational/ study skills, as well as girls’ and boys’ book clubs. Students and Ms. Bisbee alike have really enjoyed the opportunity to meet one-on-one and get comfortable with one another.

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