Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Opportunities for Improvement

Opportunities for Improvement
Name__________________________________  #_____  homeroom _________________         Improved score:
Parent/Guardian signature _________________________________________________

We don't always master every skill the first time we try.  Sometimes we need some time for things to "sink in" and sometimes we need to review a little more or learn skills in a different way. 

If you earned below a 75% (C) and you would like the opportunity to improve your quiz or test score, it's yours!

Here is what you can do:
·         Do not change the original answer, leave it there so I can see it.
·         Read through your notes and textbook until you have learned the correct answer. 
·         Use a colored pencil or colored pen (not black) to make your corrections. 
·         For written response questions, write your refined response on a piece of lined paper.  Staple your paper to the back of your quiz/test. 

Return your original assessment with corrections, signed by your parent or guardian, to Mrs. McFerran within one week after receiving the assessment in you Friday folder.   

It's that easy! So be a self-advocate and take charge of your learning!

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