Monday, November 18, 2013

Top 5 for Today!

Students' Top 5 Moments for the day:
5.  Playing Bluster on the iPads for word study review
4. Having good weather again for recess
3. Sharing our introductions for our Fractured Fairy Tales in writing
2. Learning about the turtles living in Shark Bay
1. Using the iPads to explore how to create and read pictographs

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Additional Math Resources

Quarter 1 refresher skills:

Algebra - Determining the missing operation
(step by step, self quiz)

Algebra - Creating equations from word problems
(video, karaoke, self quiz)

Oceanography Unit 11 Review - page 533-536

1. tide
2. wave
3. current
4. storm surge
5. shore
6. abyssal plain
7. continental shelf
8. continental slope
9. D
10. C
11.  A
12.  B
13.  C
14.  A
15.  B
16.  D
17.  D

18.  Sample answer:  Erik could use ice cubes in a container of salt water to model a melting iceberg.  To determine whether ice causes a temperature change, he could measure the water temperature before adding ice and then again at three-minute intervals.  To determine whether salinity changes, he could take a sample of the salty water before the experiment,  allow the water to evaporate, and find the mass of the salt residue. He could repeat the process after the ice melts, and compare the measurements.

19.  Sample answer:  Submersibles allow scientists to descend to depths where it is too cold, too dark, and under too much water pressure to go otherwise.  Robotic submersibles can go even deeper into undersea trenches to collect data.  Using submersibles, scientists can study the ecosystems in the deepest parts of the ocean.

20.  Sample answer:  The deeper zone is, the less solar energy that can penetrate.  The less solar energy available, the fewer organisms that are capable of living at that depth.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Adding and Subtracting Decimal Game

Today we reviewed adding decimals in lesson 3-7.  Here is an extension to help build upon the skill.

Marine Conservation Project Resources

Here are some possible resources for the marine conservation project.  You are not required to use these resources, nor are limited to these choices. Please remember that Google is a search engine and not a resource, even for pictures.  You must write down the actual site.  Also, Wikipedia is not allowed for school-based projects. You can also check out the school or public library for valuable resources.

Read about critical ocean issues:

Click on the Photo tab at the top of the page.  Scroll down about half way until you find “Marine Species under Threat”. 
Or use the following link - Photo gallery of marine species under threat:

More info (computer only – no iPad)


MarineBio Species Database

Also check out: (tabs on left side)
101+ Ways to Make a Difference

Learn more about conservation activities – Protect our Seas


10 endangered ocean species

List of Ocean Animals A-Z (not all are threatened or endangered, but many are affected by pollution)
Click on each animal name for more information.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Career Cafe signups now posted

Math Review

Students had a fun time reviewing for an upcoming math test (yes, you heard me right, fun in math).  Combining the kinesthetics of using chopsticks, students selected review questions and solved problems collaboratively. 

It must have paid off because the test results were very successful!

Vertical Ocean Currents - Science

In science this week, students watched as warm and cold water mixed. This modeled vertical deep ocean currents.  Students discovered that these are caused by temperature and density differences of the layers.


Give me an R, Give me an E, Give me and S - P - E - C - T! What does it spell?  Extra Recess!

The monkeys worked really hard to earn the letters of respect.  During our extra recess students enjoyed indoor recess games together, sharing and treating each other with the utmost respect.

November Calendar

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nautilus Live Update

Joey got his question answered today on Nautilus Live.  While sonar mapping the ocean floor today, Joey asked what the difference was between SONAR and RADAR.  It turns out that SONAR using sound waves while RADAR uses light waves.  SONAR is used under water because sound travels much faster and clearer under water than light waves travel.  Thanks for the great question, Joey!


Writing and Math

In writing we just finished our Outdoor Lab pieces. They are going on the bulletin board in the front of the school! Please come by and read about our adventures.

In math we are getting ready to take the quarter 1 math test on Wednesday.

- John B.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Middle School Informational Meeting

I just heard that there was an informational meeting for middle school tomorrow night (Monday), so I wanted to pass along the link.