Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Marine Conservation Project Resources

Here are some possible resources for the marine conservation project.  You are not required to use these resources, nor are limited to these choices. Please remember that Google is a search engine and not a resource, even for pictures.  You must write down the actual site.  Also, Wikipedia is not allowed for school-based projects. You can also check out the school or public library for valuable resources.

Read about critical ocean issues:

Click on the Photo tab at the top of the page.  Scroll down about half way until you find “Marine Species under Threat”. 
Or use the following link - Photo gallery of marine species under threat:

More info (computer only – no iPad)


MarineBio Species Database

Also check out: (tabs on left side)
101+ Ways to Make a Difference

Learn more about conservation activities – Protect our Seas


10 endangered ocean species

List of Ocean Animals A-Z (not all are threatened or endangered, but many are affected by pollution)
Click on each animal name for more information.

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