Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oceanography Unit 11 Review - page 533-536

1. tide
2. wave
3. current
4. storm surge
5. shore
6. abyssal plain
7. continental shelf
8. continental slope
9. D
10. C
11.  A
12.  B
13.  C
14.  A
15.  B
16.  D
17.  D

18.  Sample answer:  Erik could use ice cubes in a container of salt water to model a melting iceberg.  To determine whether ice causes a temperature change, he could measure the water temperature before adding ice and then again at three-minute intervals.  To determine whether salinity changes, he could take a sample of the salty water before the experiment,  allow the water to evaporate, and find the mass of the salt residue. He could repeat the process after the ice melts, and compare the measurements.

19.  Sample answer:  Submersibles allow scientists to descend to depths where it is too cold, too dark, and under too much water pressure to go otherwise.  Robotic submersibles can go even deeper into undersea trenches to collect data.  Using submersibles, scientists can study the ecosystems in the deepest parts of the ocean.

20.  Sample answer:  The deeper zone is, the less solar energy that can penetrate.  The less solar energy available, the fewer organisms that are capable of living at that depth.

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