Monday, April 28, 2014

Answer key to unit 6 math homework

Since many of you were absent the week prior to spring break, here is the answer key to check math unit 6 homework assignments.  It will take you to blackboard to view the word doc.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Transformations on a Coordinate Plane

Today we practiced making transformations on a coordinate plane (quadrant I only).  Here is a game that can reinforce the concept.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

SOL Dates

Monkeys SOL dates have been assigned.  To help your fifth grader do their best and reduce anxiety, please do your best to schedule appointments around the SOL tests if possible.

Science SOL - Tuesday, May 27 in the afternoon  (the day we return from Memorial Day)
Reading SOL - Wednesday, June 4 in the morning
Math SOL - Thursday, June 5 in the morning

Sound Waves

A Rubens tube allows us to actually see sound waves.  Watch what happens when the pitch changes.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Math Day


On Thursday, May 1, Nottingham will be celebrating Math Day.  This is a day for you to enter into our classroom and engage in hands-on math activities with your Knight.  The focus will be on seeing some activities that we already use to learn and engage in math and how you can continue the math learning at home. 
You are also invited to drop by the library from 9-10am to hear Ms. Lynch, our math coach, talk about math instruction across all grades.  

Our math day activities will take place on Thursday, May 1st at the following times.
     Mariners from 9:20-10:20 in POD 507
     Monkeys from 12:20-1:20 in POD 507

Please let me know if you plan to attend and join us for this hour. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Middle School visit

Just a quick reminder that our orientation at Williamsburg is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 22.

Students will need to be on time for school as we leave promptly at 9:10 AM and arrive back at 1:00 PM.

Students should plan to bring their lunch with them or they may get a hot lunch in the cafeteria at WMS.  The cost is the same as Nottingham's lunch.

I will not be attending WMS, but will be going to Kenmore with a few students. They will be in the hands of Ms. Matthews and the other fifth grade teachers. 

If you could take a few moments to review how we should act while at the middle schools, and how we want to represent ourselves and Nottingham among the other schools that will be in attendance.  This will also be a time to make first impressions with the principal and many of our future teachers.  I want the Monkeys will make positive first impressions and take this experience seriously.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Toilet paper tubes

Materials needed for math

Please save any discarded toilet paper tubes that we can use for a math lesson.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Photos Needed

Hello Fifth Grade Parents!  This is a VERY IMPORTANT (relatively speaking) MESSAGE FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION.
As the cochair of this year’s Yearbook, I am trying to obtain 2 pictures of each 5th grader right away!!  One should be of your child as a baby/toddler.  The other should be of your child this school year.  The first set of pictures are to be used for a Special 2 Page Spread in the Yearbook.  The second along with the first, will be used for a bulletin board display to showcase the “then” and “now” of all of the 5th graders.  THEREFORE, WE NEED PAPER COPIES OF EACH PHOTO.  DIGITAL SCANS DIRECTLY FROM YOU TO ME, WILL NOT WORK for the reasons mentioned and for several more that have been hashed and rehashed.

With the help of several parent volunteers, we will be scanning 127 photos for the Spread and need to do the scanning over and right after Spring Break for a Yearbook Deadline of the 2 page Spread along with all other aspects of the Yearbook (minus Mayfest) at the end of April.

We need to have all photos by April 11th, but are THRILLED to receive them throughout next week.   In the past, there have been problems with not getting everyone’s picture and having very sad 5th graders in terms of both the Yearbook and the bulletin board display.  Please do your best to get 2 pix to us by next week to avoid such discontent.  This gives you 7 nights to find 2 pix, put them in a labeled envelope (Child’s Name and Class Teacher), and have your 5th grader REMEMBER to bring them into the front office by Friday, April 11th.  Last year, there wasn’t enough time or help to make this 2 Page Spread happen and we are trying to do it this year, but NEED YOUR HELP.  It seems to be a thing that the kids and parents really enjoy from the Yearbook.

Please send a 2x2 or 3x5 of your child as a baby/toddler and the same of your child as a 5th grader ASAP!  The box for collecting photos will be in the main office.  it is our intention and that of the Promotion Committee doing the bulletin board display to return all pictures in their respective envelopes.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation with this Special Project.  We don’t want to leave your child out!

Thanks for your time, patience, and assistance,
Kelly Lieber

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Calling for supplies

Next week in science we will be exploring engineering and physics. We will be building parachutes and testing a variety of materials.

We are looking for:

Fabric (any kind of material, size or weight)
Unwanted sheets or curtains
Shower curtains
Plastic table clothes
Garbage bags
twine or string

These will be cut up, so please only send donations.

Middle School Visit

On April 22, the fifth graders will be visiting Williamsburg Middle School from 9:30-12:30.  Students who will attend Kenmore and Jefferson will take separate buses to attend the orientation on the 22nd as well.  Since students who will attend HB have already visited their school, they will come along to Williamsburg to see where some of their fellow Knights will attend.

The school will plan a student orientation, students will take a tour of the school, observe a few classes, and eat lunch in the middle school cafeteria.  Then we will return to school for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Costa Rica & Aachen Exchange

We wish the Aachen and Costa Rica exchange program participants "bon voyage", "sichere Reise", and safe travels as they leave us for their exciting adventures in Europe and Central America!

We hope they will take photos, keep a journal, and be prepared to share their trips with the class upon their return.  Students should bring an independent reading book and also any novels they have assigned in class.  
It is difficult to predict exactly what we will cover while they are out of the country.  We will provide a log of missed classwork and homework that can be made up when they return to school.

We hope everyone enjoys their exchange and learns a lot!

Pura Vida!
Andrea McFerran