Monday, April 21, 2014

Middle School visit

Just a quick reminder that our orientation at Williamsburg is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 22.

Students will need to be on time for school as we leave promptly at 9:10 AM and arrive back at 1:00 PM.

Students should plan to bring their lunch with them or they may get a hot lunch in the cafeteria at WMS.  The cost is the same as Nottingham's lunch.

I will not be attending WMS, but will be going to Kenmore with a few students. They will be in the hands of Ms. Matthews and the other fifth grade teachers. 

If you could take a few moments to review how we should act while at the middle schools, and how we want to represent ourselves and Nottingham among the other schools that will be in attendance.  This will also be a time to make first impressions with the principal and many of our future teachers.  I want the Monkeys will make positive first impressions and take this experience seriously.

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