Thursday, April 3, 2014

Photos Needed

Hello Fifth Grade Parents!  This is a VERY IMPORTANT (relatively speaking) MESSAGE FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION.
As the cochair of this year’s Yearbook, I am trying to obtain 2 pictures of each 5th grader right away!!  One should be of your child as a baby/toddler.  The other should be of your child this school year.  The first set of pictures are to be used for a Special 2 Page Spread in the Yearbook.  The second along with the first, will be used for a bulletin board display to showcase the “then” and “now” of all of the 5th graders.  THEREFORE, WE NEED PAPER COPIES OF EACH PHOTO.  DIGITAL SCANS DIRECTLY FROM YOU TO ME, WILL NOT WORK for the reasons mentioned and for several more that have been hashed and rehashed.

With the help of several parent volunteers, we will be scanning 127 photos for the Spread and need to do the scanning over and right after Spring Break for a Yearbook Deadline of the 2 page Spread along with all other aspects of the Yearbook (minus Mayfest) at the end of April.

We need to have all photos by April 11th, but are THRILLED to receive them throughout next week.   In the past, there have been problems with not getting everyone’s picture and having very sad 5th graders in terms of both the Yearbook and the bulletin board display.  Please do your best to get 2 pix to us by next week to avoid such discontent.  This gives you 7 nights to find 2 pix, put them in a labeled envelope (Child’s Name and Class Teacher), and have your 5th grader REMEMBER to bring them into the front office by Friday, April 11th.  Last year, there wasn’t enough time or help to make this 2 Page Spread happen and we are trying to do it this year, but NEED YOUR HELP.  It seems to be a thing that the kids and parents really enjoy from the Yearbook.

Please send a 2x2 or 3x5 of your child as a baby/toddler and the same of your child as a 5th grader ASAP!  The box for collecting photos will be in the main office.  it is our intention and that of the Promotion Committee doing the bulletin board display to return all pictures in their respective envelopes.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation with this Special Project.  We don’t want to leave your child out!

Thanks for your time, patience, and assistance,
Kelly Lieber

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