Friday, December 20, 2013

Snowflake Symmetry

In math we explored the symmetry of snowflakes.

Progress Reports

Progress reports went home in Friday folders today.  We have about a month until the end of the quarter. There are two more extra credit opportunities out there.  If there are any missing assignments there is still time to turn those assignments in by January 17. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter Party - December 20

Reminder to all parent/guardians joining us tomorrow, the party will begin at 12:20.  Set up for the festivities can begin by noon.

Thank you, and best wishes for the holiday!

Important Emails

This message goes out to parents. 

Lately, a lot of emails have been coming in during the day that are important and pertain to how the students are getting home or detailing changes to their normal schedule.

I usually get to school pretty early in the morning and use some of that time for checking email.  By 8:45, I am usually setting up the classroom and turning on the Smart Board to prepare for the day.  I pick the Monkeys up at 8:50 and our day begins. While the students are at specials I am attending meetings or planning for instruction to challenge and excite our wonderful learners.  I don't get an opportunity to check email again until the students leave.

If something arises that is time sensitive, please call the front office and they will connect you my way or take a message. 

I want to assure that my Monkeys make it home safely and make it to all of their after school activities without issue. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


On Tuesday the monkeys went to the David M. Brown Planetarium.  Everyone wrote a short passage about their learning experience. We chose four, that we thought were exceptional.

"The field trip to  the planetarium... Returns!
Last year the planetarium field trip was close to being canceled! But this year the students of Nottingham elementary, return for another visit! Mr. John is back to teach the students of  Nottingham about planet Earth! We watched a cool video that featured different kinds of rays. This video also features Isaac Newton.The video video was funny, but still taught us what we needed. All in all, the field trip was very enjoyable."
 ~ Joey Pickel

"One thing that I enjoyed about the planetarium was learning about the electromagnetic spectrum, especially infrared. Mr. John showed it to us by turning on a television remote on, and pointing it to the camera screen on his iPhone.  The light flashed on the screen, but you couldn't see the flashing light when he pointed it at us." That happens because our eyes cannot see infrared light.
~ Emma Sather

Bloggers: Laila & Emma


Pajama day

Today was pajama day! We all wore are coziest pajamas and felt very tired by the end of the day. By Jennifer Overdahl

An Inky Mixture

This week we did an experiment called An Inky Mixture.  We put a black dot on the coffee filter and this is what happened. Now we know that black is a mixture of all of the colors.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cool Water to Ice video

In our Matter unit, we have been talking about the changes in states of matter.  We talked about interesting changes such as sublimation, when a solid turns directly to a gas without first turning into water. Dry ice is an example of this change. 

We have also been discussing how fast the change between phases can occur.  We completed a virtual lab and created graphs to represent our data.

I have included a great video link to show just how fast that change can occur (if the temperature is cold enough).  I wouldn't want to be in Great Falls, Montana.  Too cold!!


Hi Monkeys,

I am so glad to be back from the technology conference.  I missed the fun of snow days, but I am so excited to share the new, fun tech toys that I learned about. 

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Friday, December 6, 2013

December Calendar


We have been working on our fractured fairy tales this week. The students are in the revising and editing stage.
By Laila Fitz


The bloggers held a contest. If you could find a pink string in the past week, you got your picture on the blog. This helped students learn how to be resourceful and observant.

This weeks winner:

Mackenzie Keely

By Laila Fitz


Mrs. Hoska came into our class and talked about the water cycle. 
We had a choice to write a story about the water cycle, or do a comic. It was so fun!

By Laila F

Monday, November 18, 2013

Top 5 for Today!

Students' Top 5 Moments for the day:
5.  Playing Bluster on the iPads for word study review
4. Having good weather again for recess
3. Sharing our introductions for our Fractured Fairy Tales in writing
2. Learning about the turtles living in Shark Bay
1. Using the iPads to explore how to create and read pictographs

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Additional Math Resources

Quarter 1 refresher skills:

Algebra - Determining the missing operation
(step by step, self quiz)

Algebra - Creating equations from word problems
(video, karaoke, self quiz)

Oceanography Unit 11 Review - page 533-536

1. tide
2. wave
3. current
4. storm surge
5. shore
6. abyssal plain
7. continental shelf
8. continental slope
9. D
10. C
11.  A
12.  B
13.  C
14.  A
15.  B
16.  D
17.  D

18.  Sample answer:  Erik could use ice cubes in a container of salt water to model a melting iceberg.  To determine whether ice causes a temperature change, he could measure the water temperature before adding ice and then again at three-minute intervals.  To determine whether salinity changes, he could take a sample of the salty water before the experiment,  allow the water to evaporate, and find the mass of the salt residue. He could repeat the process after the ice melts, and compare the measurements.

19.  Sample answer:  Submersibles allow scientists to descend to depths where it is too cold, too dark, and under too much water pressure to go otherwise.  Robotic submersibles can go even deeper into undersea trenches to collect data.  Using submersibles, scientists can study the ecosystems in the deepest parts of the ocean.

20.  Sample answer:  The deeper zone is, the less solar energy that can penetrate.  The less solar energy available, the fewer organisms that are capable of living at that depth.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Adding and Subtracting Decimal Game

Today we reviewed adding decimals in lesson 3-7.  Here is an extension to help build upon the skill.

Marine Conservation Project Resources

Here are some possible resources for the marine conservation project.  You are not required to use these resources, nor are limited to these choices. Please remember that Google is a search engine and not a resource, even for pictures.  You must write down the actual site.  Also, Wikipedia is not allowed for school-based projects. You can also check out the school or public library for valuable resources.

Read about critical ocean issues:

Click on the Photo tab at the top of the page.  Scroll down about half way until you find “Marine Species under Threat”. 
Or use the following link - Photo gallery of marine species under threat:

More info (computer only – no iPad)


MarineBio Species Database

Also check out: (tabs on left side)
101+ Ways to Make a Difference

Learn more about conservation activities – Protect our Seas


10 endangered ocean species

List of Ocean Animals A-Z (not all are threatened or endangered, but many are affected by pollution)
Click on each animal name for more information.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Career Cafe signups now posted

Math Review

Students had a fun time reviewing for an upcoming math test (yes, you heard me right, fun in math).  Combining the kinesthetics of using chopsticks, students selected review questions and solved problems collaboratively. 

It must have paid off because the test results were very successful!

Vertical Ocean Currents - Science

In science this week, students watched as warm and cold water mixed. This modeled vertical deep ocean currents.  Students discovered that these are caused by temperature and density differences of the layers.


Give me an R, Give me an E, Give me and S - P - E - C - T! What does it spell?  Extra Recess!

The monkeys worked really hard to earn the letters of respect.  During our extra recess students enjoyed indoor recess games together, sharing and treating each other with the utmost respect.

November Calendar

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nautilus Live Update

Joey got his question answered today on Nautilus Live.  While sonar mapping the ocean floor today, Joey asked what the difference was between SONAR and RADAR.  It turns out that SONAR using sound waves while RADAR uses light waves.  SONAR is used under water because sound travels much faster and clearer under water than light waves travel.  Thanks for the great question, Joey!


Writing and Math

In writing we just finished our Outdoor Lab pieces. They are going on the bulletin board in the front of the school! Please come by and read about our adventures.

In math we are getting ready to take the quarter 1 math test on Wednesday.

- John B.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Middle School Informational Meeting

I just heard that there was an informational meeting for middle school tomorrow night (Monday), so I wanted to pass along the link.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Team Up Against Violence

Don't forget to wear your jersey or team shirt on Tuesday, October 22.

Building a Working Submarine Model

Today we finished up our mission to build submarine models.  Some models worked and some didn't but we all came up with ideas that we would try next time and worked collaboratively, which was the real purpose. 

We used the five steps of the design process:

1.        Find a Problem

2.        Plan and Build

3.        Test and Improve

4.        Redesign

5.        Communicate

 "Mr. Walden helped us build submarine models. " - John B.

Sock it to Bullying!

Thanks to all the support to stand up against bullying today.  Great class participation.

Celebrate Read Aloud to a Child Week

Oct. 20-26 is Read Aloud to a Child Week and APS is joining educators statewide to emphasize the importance of reading aloud to children and to give families an opportunity to participate. This annual event was established by the Virginia State Legislature as a way to encourage reading.

 Click here to watch a short video on why reading is an important foundation for learning.

Additional resources are available at

Friday, October 18, 2013

Area of a Triangle

The monkeys did a wonderful job discovering a formula for area of a triangle.  How easy it would have been to tell them the formula, but they would have missed the opportunity to build a deeper understanding that was gained by the experience.

Thank you to John B. for documenting this experience.

Character Counts Week!

In celebration of Character Counts Week, we will participate in daily dress up activities that will help to facilitate conversations both in the classroom and at home.  On the last day students will be asked to sit at different tables with children they don't normally sit with to create a school climate where respect and inclusiveness are core values.  

Oct. 21 Sock it to bullying (wear funky socks)
Oct. 22 Team up against violence (wear your favorite team or jersey)
Oct. 23 Aachen visitors come to Nottingham.
             Slip into safety (bring your slippers to school)
Oct. 24 Hats off to helping others (wear your favorite or funky hat)
Oct. 25 Show your character colors (wear purple for fifth grade)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Launching Nautilus

We will be spending the next few weeks aboard the Nautilus, off the Coast of the Virgin Islands.  From the comfort of our classroom we will ask scientists questions, watch underwater footage, and collect samples in live time.  Check it out from home 24/7.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Science Online Component

Click on: Science and Health
Science Fusion


State: Virginia
District: Arlington Public Schools
School: Nottingham
ID: student id number (your lunch number)
Password: birthday (mmddyy)

Opportunities for Improvement

Opportunities for Improvement
Name__________________________________  #_____  homeroom _________________         Improved score:
Parent/Guardian signature _________________________________________________

We don't always master every skill the first time we try.  Sometimes we need some time for things to "sink in" and sometimes we need to review a little more or learn skills in a different way. 

If you earned below a 75% (C) and you would like the opportunity to improve your quiz or test score, it's yours!

Here is what you can do:
·         Do not change the original answer, leave it there so I can see it.
·         Read through your notes and textbook until you have learned the correct answer. 
·         Use a colored pencil or colored pen (not black) to make your corrections. 
·         For written response questions, write your refined response on a piece of lined paper.  Staple your paper to the back of your quiz/test. 

Return your original assessment with corrections, signed by your parent or guardian, to Mrs. McFerran within one week after receiving the assessment in you Friday folder.   

It's that easy! So be a self-advocate and take charge of your learning!